woensdag 8 mei 2013

They started noticing

Soooo, hello everyone, time for a new update!

I went to the doctor last monday and the conclusion was that I lost 4.6 kg in two weeks and three days. It's not a bad result, but not spectacular either (for this diet ofcourse :) ). My doktor took blood again, to check all the values and if they still were good. Believe me, it makes me realise how much I hate it over and over again. I've been on a "plateau" for a couple of days, but now I'm losing weight again, so it's still all fine.

Even though the temptation is sometimes very big, I haven't cheated yet, and I'm a little proud of it as well, hehe. Yesterday, we were making cupcakes for the scouts I'm in, so we could earn more money for our camp, and man, they smelled SO GOOD. But I didn't do it, so yay me!

A friend of mine is on a diet as well, and she came with the greatest motivation idea ever. The idea is that I section the weight I'm willing to lose in five different parts, so it's 5 kg everytime. I give my friends an amount of money (10 euro) and they buy me a present with the money I gave them. When I lose a fifth of my goal weight, I get a present. I like the idea very much, so I'm going to try it :D

For now:
- starting weight      83,4 kg
- current weight       78,6 kg
- height                  163 cm
- age                      18 (still)

Aaaaand, somebody (okay, I've told that person I was on a diet) told me it was already visible in my face! YAY

And the reason why?
Ah... I guess you'll have to come back to know the next thing I'll tell you about him/her

3 opmerkingen:

  1. You really know how to keep the tension on, I'm already exited to reed your next post, maybe you could post something every two days..? I'm SOOOOOOO jealous of your weight right now. Although I only started this monday, I can't wait to reach that number on my scale :-) Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey, ik heb op mijn blog een link geplaatst naar jouw blog, hopelijk is dit ok voor je?

  3. Natuurlijk, geen probleem. Uiteindelijk is het ook een motivatie voor alle andere mensen om dit te lezen (denk ik :)). Ik ga het toch bij een keer per week houden, een beetje geduld kan geen kwaad en vooral: mijn examens komen heel dicht in de buurt, dus hoe meer tijd er naar de leerstof gaat hoe beter!
