woensdag 29 mei 2013


Good news everyone: I LOST 10 KG!

Yesterday, I went to the doctor for the appointment, which is every two weeks. I had already checked that morning on the scale and at that moment, I lost 9.8 kg. When I was at the doctor, her scale told me it was 10.5, so I am allowed to go to the next phase! It's called "2A" and you get to substitute one of the bags with meat (not every kind of meat ofcourse) or white fish or two eggs. Yesterday was the glorious moment when I was allowed to eat meat again for the first time in nearly six weeks, and waw. Just waw. Divine, delicious, whatever other pretty word you can imagine. It was great!

Now, I'll be in this phase for another 5 kg. It's supposed to go a little slower because your calorie-intake gets higher. I'm guessing I'll be allowed to go to the 2B phase at the end of june, maybe the beginning of july, but the problem is I'll be going on a camp with the scouts. I'm one of the leaders at the smallest group, so there it shouldn't be a problem cooking my own meals, but when our camp is finished, we'll be traveling to the other groups. As long as they're staying in a house with a kitchen, there won't be any problem, but the last six days we'll be in the middle of nowhere in the Frech part of Belgium. I guess I'm just going to go back to the first phase to make it a little easier for myself and them, and the doctor said it's allowed.

Okay, that was a long paragraph! Sorry about that :) Anyway, my books are calling me back to study, they need me!

Just because I love the movie and her character. And it's a great quote.

And the reason why?
Next time seems a good moment to tell you something more...

PS: my weight is at the moment 73.2

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